Roasting coffee in "S" Curve
3 Golden rule of roasting coffee
Teaching coffee roasting at Buon Ma Thuot Dak Lak
(Study the secret of roasting coffee in Buon Ma Thuot Dak Lak)
Curriculum: Includes theory & practice
Time: 2-3 days: School schedule Weekdays:
The first day:
7h30-8h: Drinking coffee, socializing activities
8h-11h30: The theory of green coffee
13h30-16h30: The theory of basic and intensive coffee roasting
The Second and Third day
7h30-8h: Drinking coffee, socializing activities
8h-11h30: Practice roasting coffee in the processing factory
13h30-16h30: Practice roasting coffee in the processing factory
17h: Finish: Discuss and answer questions
Fee: 5 vnd million / student
Instructor: Coffee production owner and expert in coffee roasting has more than 15 years of experience in the field of roasted coffee.
Registration: Via Hotline / Zalo: 0917.88.18.98 or 0869.269.006 (Viettel) from Monday to Friday
Address: Hamlet 1, Hòa Thắng, TP. Buon Ma Thuot, Dak Lak (near BMT Airport)
Or fill out the form here: or Register in the form below, we will contact you as soon as you receive the registration form.
A) THEORY (1 day)
1) About green coffee beans (1 morning)
Guide students with the basic and in-depth knowledge about living coffee available in Vietnam and the World such as:
- Distinguish coffee and types of coffee; Hard beans - what is soft beans; coffee features ...
- Quality of coffee, technical standards (water content, impurities, broken black, size ...)
- Coffee price, how to choose to buy coffee
- Buy roasted coffee where cheap
- General knowledge about living green coffee (how to calculate prices, markets, output, factors affecting the price, supply and demand of coffee ...)
- Find out the reality through the sample available during study, sample capture, sample analysis ...
- Answering inquiries, professional questions.
2) Basic to intensive coffee roasting theory: (1 afternoon)
- Basic theory
- Intensive theory
- Answering inquiries, professional questions
II) Coffee roasting machines:
Designing coffee roasting machines
Drum: Single drum, double drum
Combustion chamber; burners
Roasting machine structure, image
Types of roasting machines: Classic drum, hot air, thermal transfer, circulating ...
Burners, gas fuels, electricity
Motor-rpm RPM- rotation speed / minute
Temperature gauges
III) Roasting:
1) Why do we roast coffee
2) The chemical properties of raw green coffee
Protein protein
Organic protein (alkaloids): caffeine and trigonelline
Water content - moisture
Organic acids
Gas and aroma
3) physical changes during roasting
Change color
The classic definition of roasting level
+ Cinnamon roasted - Cinnamon roast
+ City Roast
+ Full city Roast
+ Vienna Roast
+ French Roast
Change the structure of coffee beans
Growth inside the beans when roasted
Grain size, specific gravity, loss during roasting
4) Chemical properties in roasting
Change in chemical composition
Acid development during roasting
Aroma development (aroma)
Maillard and Caramelization reactions
Ingredients Caffeine
5) Heat transfer in roasting
Convection (convection) - Conduction and Radiation transfer heat between particles.
Heat transfer and temperature ramp (Curve temp temperature curve)
Heat transfer and mass in coffee beans
Heat transfer and moisture
6) Roast coffee in "S" Curve ("S" Curve) ****
Release temperature (Drop temp - DT)
Turning point (Turning point - TP)
The first Crack (First crack - FC):
Second crack (Second crack - SC)
Roast Development (RD):
End heat (EH)
End temperature (End temp- ET)
Rate of Rise (RoR) ****
7) Roasting process
Image of "S" curve
Drying phase
Middle stage
Phase FC
SC period
Development time (development time)
Adjust the heat (heat)
Adjust the wind
8) Plan a roasting batch
Batch weight (batch size)
Install convection gas
Air adjustment: Fuel ratio
Charge temperature (charging temperature)
Roasting machine design
Baked volume
Particle density: for a given grain size, it requires more energy to penetrate deep into the coffee bean. Hotter burning is appropriate for especially dense coffee beans
Beans size: a larger bean has a greater distance from the surface to the core, through a large layer of particles that requires more energy.
Methods of handling coffee beans
Expected roasting time
Determine roasting time
9) Three golden rules for new and professional coffee roasters
10) Measure results
11) Sample roasting & Cupping (cup test)
12) Preserving roasted coffee
13) Select a coffee roaster
B) PRACTICE (1-2 days)
Practice roasting coffee with modern machines right at the processing factory, practicing grinding, packaging
After practice, students will master the overview of coffee in Vietnam and the world, master the process of roasting, coffee lines, appropriate temperatures, taste, taste visually, analyze the sample taken during roasting, roasting time, all elements to give a desired roasting batch. At the same time, students also grasp the optimal way of roasting aromas or coffee flavors depending on the taste of the customer, the coffee machine lines, brewing ... how to mix the coffee of many current shops, how to create their own taste, difference of product. Can help students assess the quality, price, and how to create the desired coffee.
Distinguish types of coffee, how to choose standard materials, ways to mix and preserve coffee beans after roasting, grinding and packaging
There are many coffee samples for students to try, experience, coffee recipes, marinated dosages, ways of marinating, preservative materials for coffee industry.
I wish all students have the knowledge and experience to succeed in their careers.
Thank you!

Video Roasting coffee at the factory

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